vendredi 22 février 2013

Ikea fabrics

This afternoon I went to the Saint Lazare train-station to have a look at Ikea’s latest marketing stunt; a textile workshop. They've been installed on the square in front of “Gare Saint Lazare” (one of the busiest squares in Paris), since last Monday.

Their work field was a 150m² triangular tent, containing 8 sewers and two interior designers from Ikea. In the center of the tent, you would find a large table with lots of different fabrics, where the visitors were invited to participate in the different activities, learning how to customize details in their own interior and give old furniture a new life.

By the time I got there, everyone seemed a little busy so I didn't really dare to ask too many questions and the workshop also seemed more or less finished (today was the last day). But at least it was quite interesting just to have a look. And, I wasn't aware of Ikea selling fabrics (available in the stores and on the internet), so I was very pleasantly surprised!

Here is the link towards their internet site where you can purchase the fabrics:

Where to have lunch with your BF

“Les Parisiennes” is a medium small restaurant in the heart of Paris, not so very far from the Eiffel Tower.

The decoration of the restaurant is classy and stylish, with grey velour chairs, white naps, tissue napkins and wine glasses from Chef & Sommelier. The major parts of the restaurant is decorated with different shades of grey (no, not sex toys, just shades of grey), twisting between hot and cold colors, creating a complete and peaceful harmony.

But, in the middle of all this (otherwise quite so normal decoration), you have a small pink room with only three tables. And this is where I want you to go and have lunch with your best friend!

It’s a 100% girly room. Actually you get the impression that you’re in an apartment close to the restaurant. It’s the perfect place to have the girlfriend talk, laugh and share secrets.

To be completely in the theme I recommend; high heels, working girl outfit, nice handbag and wine.

My friend and I tried out the two main courses of the day; fish and rice for me, falafel with Roquefort for Nathalie.  With that we had a little bit of Chablis and finished it all with a small espresso. The meal was delicious, the service was lovely, and all together we had for 21€ each.

The restaurant opens at 7.30 in the morning, so you can even go there for breakfast or simply for tea in the afternoon. It’s open all day. In the evening the kitchen closes at 23h30. If you want to try it out for lunch, make a reservation in order to be sure to get a table without waiting for too long…

Adresse “Les Parisiennes”:
17 Avenue de la Motte Piquet, 75007.
Phone number: 

My BF Nathalie :)

Farfalles with Roquefort

Fish with rice and a spicy Thaï sauce

Photo from Google

Did you know…

… that there is a cinema in the Grand Palais ?

The Grand Palais has actually been an institution in Paris for more than a century, housing different kind of cultural events and prestigious expositions.  Internationally it’s most famous for the yearly Parisian Fashion Week which takes place in the large open space in the center of the building. It’s a saying that the Grand Palais represents 6 of 7 arts, leaving out only the cinema. However, this is about to change, or more correctly; this has changed!

In November last year (2012), Grand Palais got itself a brand new movie theater (or cinema if you prefer, but as it’s so small I’m not quite sure which term to employ…).

The room has quite exactly 104 comfortable chairs in grey velour. The atmosphere is calm and cozy with a good temperature. As it’s not so known yet, you can benefit from having the cinema almost all to yourself. I guess in a couple of months, it will not so much be the case anymore. I therefor highly recommend you to have a look as soon as possible.

Now that’s said, you can’t go there any day. The cinema is only open from Friday to Sunday. However, sometimes during the day, they have old Disney films on the screen. Last week they showed Bambi from 1942 and Pinochio from 1940… I think it’s great to see those old (handmade) movies again, without all the 2D/ 3D effects…

This weekend, I think it’s Ernest and Celestine on the schedule. A new, old fashion, cartoon which is told to be superb!  So, if you have nothing planned for your Saturday or Sunday morning, take a trip to the cinema with your family, friends or all by yourself.

If you have a little spare time afterwards, you can go for a small walk towards the invalids (have a look on the inside, it’s really beautiful) and have lunch at the nice restaurant “Les Parisiennes” 17 Avenue de la Motte Piquet (article coming up right away!).

Comfortable chairs with two large armrests

The entry (from the inside)

The entry from the outside
By this I wish you a nice weekend! :)


jeudi 21 février 2013

Bubble Tea

Last night I was out for dinner and drinks with my friend Justine.
We decided to check out the Saint Anne Street in the 8th district, but ended finally up in some street close to it… Actually, this area, and particularly that street, is known for its many Japanese restaurants. But attention; only Japanese restaurants, not serving sushi! Here you can actually discover other sides of the Japanese gastronomy (But not expect to much though, the menu is normally quite limited...). 
For my part I highly recommend the beef and noodle soup, which is just delicious!

We decided to accompany the dishes with some tea; bubble tea! 
This was a first for me. A funny experience really. You get a big mug of sweet tea (green tea for me, ginger tea for Justine. The second one is a spicier type), with an XXL straw and lots of bubbles in the bottom… So, when you drink your tea through the straw, you have lots of bubbles coming in your mouth… 
I’m not quite sure if I liked it really, it was a very curious feeling…
The bubbles don’t have any particular taste if they aren't somewhat sweet, almost slimy and a bit “chewy”… But it’s definitely worth a try!  :)

What we call “the bubbles” are more precisely Tapioca pearls. The Tapioca pearls have its origins from China and Taiwan and are actually the root of a plant named “Cassava”.
However, even though it’s all natural, coming from a plant and everything, I don’t think they have any nutritional qualities… No vitamins, no proteins; only sugar….
But if you ever get the chance to try a bubble tea one day, I highly recommend it; just for the fun :)

This is what a bubble tea looks like in Google..
This is what it looked like in our restaurant... Just to bad the mugs are opaque and not transparent so that you could see the bubbles... But the meal was delicious!

Actually I didn't eat/drink all of them, so here they are... :)

My sweet friend Justine

mardi 19 février 2013

Beautiful Books, to give or to keep…

It’s not a secret that I have always loved to read; and I’m just as fond of classical literature as of more contemporary novels. But what I really, really do love, are those beautiful old books which smells of leather and dry paper. I’m particularly fond of the editions of Jean de Bonnot.

Jean de Bonnot is a French editor which reedits grand classical chef d’oeuvres on laid paper with watermark (a very fine type of paper, thick quality) , sheep-leather bindings with handmade engravings and to top it all; 22 carats gold framing.

Contrary to what one might think, these books are not so expensive. You might count about 45€ a book. That is why I think it’s a perfect gift object.  It’s beautiful on the bookshelf and it’s a real quality gift which the lucky person can keep all her life.

Some of the biggest novels also come in series of 4, 7 or 20 books. In that case the back of the book is designed in order to give a whole picture once the series’ completed.

You should know that the books are only available a certain time. So if you care for a special book or author, you should purchase it right away, because once it’s expired, it’s expired!

However, there’s always a possibility to find what you are looking for in old antique book stores, on ebay (…) or if you are very, very lucky; in Jean de Bonnot’s “expired book shelf”. Indeed, if you decide to do some cleaning in your bookshelf one day and get rid of all those old books you never read, well you can sell them back to the editor for the same price that you bought them for years earlier.

That is exactly how I got over the most beautiful version of Flaubert’s “Madame Bovary”, eight years ago. (Sadly it’s in Norway so I don’t have any photos of it…) It was edited in 1973 and hadn’t been available for sale for decades. However, some person had decided to get rid of it and sold it back to the store for the same amount that it was bought for in 1973(I guess it wasn’t worth much in 2004…) and lucky me could purchase it for only 30€.

The reason why I wright about this today is that I recently discovered a (very) small bookstore close to my street in the 15th district. It’s in the end of Avenue Emile Zola close to a café named Cosmos. And in this little bookstore they sell old books of any kind very, very cheap. 
The photos that you can see under here are of two books that I got for 20€ each!!! Knowing that neither of them are no longer available on the “real” market, that’s a real good price. 
Wuthering Heights is from 1982 and Les Fleurs du Mal is from 1990. As I said, the engravings in the leather bindings are handmade so these books will never be edited again.

Even though it’s a great joy to give nice presents, when I find treasures like this, I just say to myself that I better keep them for myself, I’m happiest that way … :) 

Jean de Bonnot, 22 rue Chapon Paris 3ème.
Metro Rambuteau and Arts et Métiers

lundi 18 février 2013

The needle party

…Or; l'Aiguille en fête in French....

This year, l’Aiguille en fête has been organized for the 10th year in a row. It’s a fair that gathers fabric manufacturers, haberdashery, patch workers, seamstresses and knitters from manly France, England and Germany.  

I actually won my admission ticket after participating in a Facebook contest of l’Atelier (I’ll tell you more about this Atelier later) and I’m very glad I did. This faire is a great opportunity to find good addresses where to buy fabrics and yarns and you also get to create a contact with the sales persons.   

The salon lasted for four days: Thursday 14th – Sunday 16th. During these days you could participate in different workshops, such as learn how to sew on a sewing machine, how to knit, crochet or embroider. You could also participate in the championship of the world’s fastest knitter!

What I also like about these kinds of fairs is that you get good discounts if you buy something directly, and you can also find things that are quite hard to find otherwise.

In France for instance the 40cm circular knitting needle (for arms or other small work) doesn’t exist…  But on a British stand I was very lucky to find a 20cm cable which I can put on my new interchangeable needle set (which I got for a very nice price!! J )

Try and make the world record in speedknitting

Hungry? Sorry, these little pastries are not comestible, 100% wool...

Making the worlds longest scarf

Islandish pure wool

Buy old patterns from Guy LaRoche and Donna Karan and make your self a fabulous dress haute couture (late 80's early 90's...)

Even the husbands are giving it a try

I also came across this very nice organization called “Les Blouses Roses” (The Pink Blouses). It’s a team of volunteers that try to make the everyday life of old and young patients, which are on a long term stay in a hospital, by organizing different workshops with ravelry, games and music. If you want to know more about this organization I invite you to have a look on their internet page:

The famous « Marius » sweater

Traditionnal Marius sweater (photo from google Images)

Currently in Norway, the classical “Marius pattern” is right back in fashion. If you look at some designer’s blogs and other ravelry blogs you’ll find this pattern on many different things such as pillows, socks, hats etc. etc.

Arne & Carlos design

Some people like to modernize the pattern by either changing the traditional blue and red colors with more modern combinations or by replacing the traditional crosses with their own inspirations, such as for instance Arne og Carlos space invaders pattern (photo from Google).

I for my part, wanted to stay more or less classical when I decided to make this sweater for my boyfriend, keeping the pattern but changing the colors. (However, if I had asked him first, he might have preferred the space invaders…) I think grey is an easier color to wear than marine blue and I also find it more up to date. Instead of red I’ve chosen a bright blue which is really nice together with the gray and the white.

I also wanted to make it more “fitting” than the traditional model which is usually quite large. To do that I simply used a thinner yarn than recommended which is a 80/20 blend. (80% Superwash wool and 20% Nylon).  I almost always choose mixed yarns because it gives more resistant products. And superwash is really great as you can put it in the washing machine! (But be careful though! 37°max, and use only liquid soaps that are destined for wool! No fabric softener and certainly no drying machine!)  

I just finished the sweater yesterday so here are some photos.