lundi 18 février 2013

On the slopes

Hi there,

I just got back from what I think must be my favorite week of the whole year: winter holidays with friends in Tignes!  
 This has actually been a yearly tradition of my friends for nearly ten years now, but I just joined in last year.  Now that I’m home in my little apartment in Paris, I can't think of anything but going back… 

These are vacations where you sleep little or nothing (We were 16 people in an apartment for 8…), where you eat way to much (especially cheese), where you have a lot of wine,  where you ski 6/7h a day no matter the weather conditions (or your own condition for that matter) and where you simply enjoy life from morning to night. 

We were quite lucky with the weather this year; big sun, blue sky and -21°C. However, for two days it was snowing and quite foggy, but nothing which could stop us really.  

I've joined in some photos from the beautiful Alps.  

Etienne, my boyfriend


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